It always seemed to me that being social and using the internet to socialize were on opposite ends of the communication spectrum. The internet being reserved for the nerds too shy and awkward to make it in the real world. However, it seems that the tables have turned and that the “place to be” is on the internet, using sites like Facebook and others to achieve your social networking dreams.
I suppose that I was a late bloomer with this social networking phenomenon. Being that I am the “3rd Generation” of the deLeuze family at ZD and being in my mid 20’s, once I finally got signed up with Facebook, I found that the majority of my friends were there waiting for me to join the party.
The real reason that I finally made my own Facebook page was because the ZD Wines page that I wanted to create needed an administrator. However, once you enter the world of Facebook, the more friends (or fans in ZD’s case) you have, the cooler you are. So the race was on not only to make Facebook friends of my real life friends, but to get a quality ZD page going so that I would be able to build a group of ZD fans who were on Facebook. As of right now, the friend/fan score is Brandon - 63, ZD – 86.
The ZD Wines Facebook page has turned out to be a success, and I suspect that it will become more useful as more people become aware of it. I post all of our upcoming events on the page, as well as give little updates about interesting things that are happening around the winery. If you have a moment, check out the facebook site, let us know what you think about the site, and if you are a fan of our wines, become a fan of our page!
- Brandon deLeuze, Assistant Winemaker